Is it Wednesday ALREADY? Yesterday I went through the whole day thinking it was Monday. That was really fun.
So, I debated calling this post "I AM CRAZY." Because I'm pretty sure I am. I got the itch to make a nice cozy (yarn) blanket. Probably because temperatures have been in the single digits! So I started to join all those
crocheted African Flowers together that I have been working on for an eternity. I joined about 6 of them. It took me the entire length of a movie. I then realized that I
cannot stand joining African flowers together. I have never been so disheartened! 6 down, 114 to go?
The agony!!! I'm debating what to do with them all, now. I have no idea.
Meanwhile, I started an easier one - I don't know why, when I have such a mile-long queue of WIP's already. I just got the itch! I'm doing the
Granny Stripes Blanket, by Lucy of Attic 24. Her blog is such eye candy, I love it. It always makes me want to go crochet something. This one goes really fast, and it involves virtually no counting or concentration, which is awesome. I'm using Caron Simply Soft that I've had in my stash forever; it feels good to use it up. Aren't these colors great?
So my 9yo DD got inspired, and asked me to teach her to knit again. I tried to teach her about a year or two ago, but I think she may have been a little young. She has a knitting loom, which is fun, but she wanted to learn "the real way." I suggested that she try crocheting instead, because it goes faster and might be a little easier. She has totally blown me away! Look what she has done so far! It's going to be a blanket for her 18" dolls:
She's 9 years old. Are you amazed??? I am! |
And then in the MIDST of all this blanket-making, she asked me if I'd
whip her up a pair of fingerless mitts. I had to laugh because she thinks more highly of my "just whip something up" skills than she probably should. But how could I say no? Here's one out of two so far:
That is my hand. But it fits her too! Just a wee bit loose... |
This pattern looked really easy, but it was a gigantic pain the butt! It called for some kind of "post stitch" something or other, and I was pulling my hair out trying to do it. So I modified it to be easy and THUS, not as cute as it probably could be. But I'm not torturing myself over it, either, which is always a welcome relief. And I think it's plenty cute - just in time for Valentines Day, too! Again, just using acrylic from my stash. Gotta remember to do the other one now. :)
Still working on the Scrappy Tripalong Quilt; I finished the last block, last night. Yay! Now to lay it out and complete the top. Not sure when/how I'll quilt it, but I feel no rush to get to that part right now.
It's been a lot of "use what you have" around here lately. DH has been off work for months, on short term disability (which seems to be turning into "medium term"?) no fun fabric shopping trips for me just now. Too bad, too, because I just found out about a second quilt shop in our town that I haven't been to yet! Soon...I hope!