* Finished the blocks (20) & laid out my scrappy trips quilt...I have the strips sewn together and only need to sew those together, and then my top will be done.
* Finished DD's crocheted fingerless mitts. Happy!
I thought, "I totally want a pair for myself." Then I realized that I am already making a pair for myself, a WIP I've put on the back burner. Oops!
* Finished the "curtain playclothes" costumes for the Sound of Music.
I'm happier with these "real" jumpers for the younger 3 girls. |
I got a lot done at DD's gymnastics meet on Saturday. It seemed eternal. Mainly because this was my view the whole time:
A vent, if you will: (New here? My rants are entertaining, I've been told...)
#1. I resent getting up at 5 am and dragging our family out to a town an hour away, having to pay to get in, only to see the backs of people's heads the whole time. RESENT IT! This gym was laid out so poorly. I'm no engineer, but even I could figure out within about 30 seconds of getting there, how they could have done it infinitely better. This was beyond frustrating. We had to scurry around the crammed-full gym to get glimpses of Abby doing her routines. I was in a pretty bad mood by the time this thing was over. But it wasn't over yet...
#2. The Awards. *or* "What is Wrong With America," as I like to call it. There were 17 girls in Abby's age group. I kid you not, they gave out MEDALS for 17th place on up. Every single girl got a medal for every single event, whether she came in first, or dead last. Had I myself gone out there and did the best handstand I could, followed by a really awesome cartwheel, and jumped on a springboard a few times, I literally would have gotten a medal for it.
Number ONE: This is not real life. By giving out medals for every participant, it reinforces the (false) idea that life is going to reward you just for showing up. It doesn't. And IMO, it fosters that whole dreadful "entitlement" attitude that seems to be everywhere. And just to clarify, my daughter would not have gotten any medals if they did it the way I think they should have done it - up to 5th place. Just my opinion. She came in 7th in all but one event. I am more than OK with that. I am extremely proud of her, and from what I could see, she really did great out there. I'm concerned that SHE is not going to learn how to "lose" gracefully, because of the extreme coddling that goes on in this sport. I'm concerned that she is not going to be motivated to push herself to do better. Why work harder when you're going to get a medal (and trophy) no matter what? I'm told that after this level she's in (3), it gets tougher, and they don't hand out awards like candy...but I don't see what the point of all this nonsense is in the first place.
Number TWO: I am not at all convinced that giving out medals to everyone, did ANYTHING for these girls' self-esteem. I actually felt really bad for those poor girls in last place, who had to be called up first every time and stand there like, "yep. I'm in last." They did not look happy or proud to be standing up there. It's like getting the medals only called attention to the fact that they were in last place. Not cool. Why can the people in charge not see this?
Rant over. But now I'm all riled up!